Part 1 - Example answer
James’ new job isn’t a good match for him because he is unskilled, unintelligent and unreliable. Students are likely to complain if he ever became a professor. Henry’s new job isn’t a good match for him because he is unkind, unhappy and unimaginative. Babies are bound to cry if they see him. Larry’s new job isn’t a good match for him because he is unwilling to try new things, he’s unambitious, and unorganized. If he became CEO of any company, that company would be bound to fail.
Part 2 - Example interview: karaoke
1. What’s your go-to-song?
2. Are you good at hitting high notes?
3. Can you sing in key?
4. Are any of your friends tone deaf?
5. Do you like singing acapella?
6. Have you ever performed on stage?
7. What do you think of professional singers who lip sync?
Part 3 - Example speech: Changes you have gotten used to
I arrived in Japan ten years ago. Getting used to the trains was easy as my country also has a great transportation system.
But it took me a long time to get used to the food here. The food here is much different to the food back home; I had never
eaten raw fish before I moved to Japan. Another thing that took me quite a while to get used to was the language. Japanese
is so different to English. I’ve been studying it for about 12 years now, but I still haven’t mastered it. Also, even though I’ve
been here for 10 years, I’m still not used to earthquakes. I still get scared every time I feel the ground shake.
Part 4 - Example summary
The other day, they went to the movies to see “The Adventures of Noel and Mogu”. Ben called him at around 1:00 and he was a little annoyed to hear Ben was running late. He got a little angry because he’s not accustomed to waiting for people. The longer he waited, the angrier he got. After Ben finally arrived, they bought their tickets and sat down in the cinema. The movie was very exciting, but halfway through the movie he was shocked when Ben pulled out his phone and started talking to his girlfriend. The person sitting next to him was surprised as well. He told Ben that he was not to use his phone in the cinema. Ben simply replied that he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to talk on his phone during the movie. He didn’t believe him. Even his kids know not to use their phones at the movies.
Part 5 - Example role-play
A) Hello.
B) Hi. You must be the Smiths.
A) That’s us.
B) Nice to meet you. I’m Mark. Let me show you around. This is the living room.
A) It’s very nice. This room looks as though it would be a great place to have a party.
B) I agree. Now, let me show you the backyard.
A) I like this. That spot over there looks as if it would be the perfect spot for a big BBQ.
B) Yeah. I can see it too. Let me show you the spare room next.
A) This looks as though it would make a great home office.
B) Indeed.
A) The apartment is great. Are there any rules we should know about?
B) Let me see, it says here that you are not to have more than three people living here.
A) That makes sense. Is there anything else?
B) (Continues)